SSDI/SSI Attorneys Serving all of Florida and Massachusetts

According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), approximately 75% of initial disability claims are denied and over 80% of consequent appeals are subsequently denied. We have helped thousands of people successfully navigate through the government bureaucracy. It is important that you act NOW to avoid time dealys! Call now for a free consultation to discuss whether you may qualify for SSDI or SSI.

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose because the call is FREE. There is NEVER a fee unless you win your case. I do make house-calls. Se Habla Español.

social security disability Fort Lauderdale FL

Disability Benefits:

Most people avoid discussing the possibility that they may be ‘disabled’. However, the chances that you will become disabled probably are greater than you realize. Studies show that a 20-year-old worker has a 3-in-10 chance of becoming disabled before reaching retirement age.

Social Security pays disability benefits through two programs: the Social Security Disability Insurance program and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. If you need help navigating the complex process of obtaining your Disability Benefits, the Barnett, Barnett & Wilson Team is here to help you get what you deserve.